Adam Smith Interlude 1 (The Grand Tour Years)

My previous post describes Adam Smith’s unexpected decision to resign his prestigious professorship at the University of Glasgow in order to become a travelling tutor to the future 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, and my next post will describe what may have sparked the philosopher’s intellectual wonder while he was abroad. In the meantime, below are four links providing some background information regarding the 18th-century British custom of sending young aristocrats overseas with a tutor as part of their education:

1. 18th Century Grand Tour of Europe, via ThoughtCo.

2. History of the Grand Tour, via the Educated Traveller.

3. How the Grand Tour transformed eighteenth-century culture in Britain, via House & Garden.

4. What was the Grand Tour?, via the Royal Museums Greenwich website.

Bonus link: When Paris’s Streets Were Paved With Filth, via Undark.

About F. E. Guerra-Pujol

When I’m not blogging, I am a business law professor at the University of Central Florida.
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