Purple June?

There is no doubt the Supreme Court of the United States has become a “political court”, to borrow my mentor Richard Posner’s apt phrase (no, we still haven’t forgotten the illegitimate and disastrous Bush v. Gore decision!), but how politicized has this unelected, unaccountable, and quasi-legislative committee become, and in what direction: conservative right or progressive left? For some tentative but novel insights into these questions, check out the short and excellent blog post titled “Purple June” by my colleague and friend Josh Blackman, a law professor in Houston, Texas — the first installment of many on the last batch of cases decided by the high court in June of 2020, 2022, and 2023. (Suffice it to say, I am looking forward to reading and commenting on Professor Blackman’s upcoming posts!)


About F. E. Guerra-Pujol

When I’m not blogging, I am a business law professor at the University of Central Florida.
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