Tag Archives: Alex Rodriguez

Is the A-Rod lawsuit frivolous?

Yesterday evening, lawyers for the  New York Yankees’ star baseball player Alex Rodriguez filed two complaints in New York State court, one against a local hospital and the team doctor of the Yankees baseball club, and another against Major League Baseball and … Continue reading

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Should #13 sue Major League Baseball?

Maybe so, but under what legal theory? According to TMZ and this report in the New York Post, * Alex Rodriguez hasn’t “knowingly” used PEDs since 2003. * A-Rod has been tested no less than 11 times since 2011 and all … Continue reading

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Pop Quiz

There are reports that Major League Baseball will announce some player suspensions this Monday, 5 August. What is the probability that star player Alex Rodriguez will be suspended? (a) No penalty (b) Small suspension (e.g., until the end of the … Continue reading

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A contract is a bet …

Charles Fried, a law professor at Harvard, famously argued that a contract is a promise. We at prior probability, however, say that a contract is more like a bet. Consider the relation between sports contracts in baseball and hitting success. … Continue reading

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