My worst-ever blog posts

Beware of blog posts on sports, politics, foreign policy, or race! To commemorate the upcoming ten-year anniversary of this blog (5 July 2023), I am featuring ten of my lamest blog posts:

  1. A modest proposal (geopolitical edition) (6 February 2022)
  2. PSA: Here is the police hotline to report Trump & sons for incitement (7 January 2021)
  3. A modest proposal (two-week-holiday-in-honor-of-freedom edition) (5 July 2020)
  4. White Man’s Justice? (1 November 2019)
  5. Polling blip or historic trend? (Trumpista politics edition) (21 Jan. 2019)
  6. Impeach Trump? (14 April 2018)
  7. #TrumpYourHand (4 August 2016)
  8. “Johnny Bust”? (14 December 2014)
  9. Is Keith Olbermann’s the “worst sports person in the world”? (27 August 2013)
  10. Is the “Justice for Trayvon” movement finished? (17 August 2013)

About F. E. Guerra-Pujol

When I’m not blogging, I am a business law professor at the University of Central Florida.
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1 Response to My worst-ever blog posts

  1. It’s all good Enrique. We all have our share of embarrassing blog posts.

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